Soaring Switch Sales!

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In an interview with Fox, Reggie spoke about his love of gaming with Nintendo and how innovation and creativity are the most important aspects in gaming, with Nintendo currently holding the imaginary title of “Most Innovative and Creative” with the Nintendo Switch.

Interview Here

I like the point that Reggie hit on about video games being entertaining as his focus. I could be playing in the most beautiful skybox ever made but if I am only looking at that and there isn’t anything to really DO then what’s the point.

The point of the video was to brag about how well Nintendo Switch sales are and how Reggie believes that the Switch sales will out do the Wii sales.

We’ll see about that…

Don’t get me wrong. I want the Switch to blow the other Nintendo systems away but we don’t have any real numbers to base that on and it would be even better if, you know, Nintendo released more systems.

Just saying.

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