Good morning Buttonmashers,
Got a bit of an update for you today.
The Start Button Review will be going on hiatus until February 27, 2015.
Don’t worry, I will be back. But there are some things that I have to do to make the Start Button all that I want it to be. That being said, I am not going anywhere without explaining myself.
I know that you might have a few questions for me. You may be asking yourself why I choose that date specifically. Simply put, it is a week after I get married. Yes, you guessed it! My lovely editor Mistress Sarah-kun has, for some reason, decided to have me be the only gamer (man) in her life. Kidding aside, I love her more than Wario love coins and Link loves smashing pots. She is my princess and I am glad to be her Mario.
But you aren’t here for the gushy stuff. You are here for the wonderful explanation of why I shouldn’t be tar and feathered for going on this hiatus.
We are taking time off to finish planning the wedding, get used to our new-ish jobs, and fix my update schedule so we have fewer missed posts and apologetic notes. Mistress Sarah-kun might want me for a few things after the wedding too, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, I still need to figure out how I am going to get SBR to it’s final level. I can see it in my head, which is great! I am just trying to build the bridge to get there. Funny that I am my own final boss, right?
Finally, I can still be reached at, if you have guest posts, requests for future reviews, suggestions or anything else. I just have step back for a bit and get the dust of the console that is my head.
Mr. Gamer
Congrats to both Mr. and soon to be Mrs. Gamer. Very happy for you both.
Hoping we can stay in touch and get together at some point and play some games 🙂