Start Button Review Update 1.05

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Good morning Buttonmashers,

This is Mr. Gamer with a Start Button Review Update.

After what I would call the success of the first video review of the Start Button Review, I feel like you guys would like more of those, so that’s what I am going to do. I mean, I would call three subscribers in the first week a success. That just requires a bit more time in the studio. Sony Vegas is a big program with lots of features….so many features.

I am also going to use my Twitter, @StartButtonRevw, a lot more. It is just easier to communicate with you. So be sure to hit me up with anything. Questions, comments, whatever is may be. The “Ask Mr. Gamer” page is also live on my page for those who don’t have a Twitter and would like to keep it that way.

Aside from content updates, I feel like need to go in another direction. Just posting reviews on this site isn’t enough for me anymore. I am working on many other pieces for you but considering the controversial topics that I want to touch base on, such as GamerGate, it has to be a well formed piece otherwise, what’s the point?

TL;DR : I want to give you Buttonmashers more things to read and watch so there can be more engagement.

That’s all I have for this update. Stay Tuned!

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