Good morning,
I’m Mr. Gamer and this is a Start Button Review update.
First off, I want to thank the ponies (people) that have been supported me this far. I don’t plan stopping anytime soon. As a matter of fact, we have just begun to report!
For those of you just tuning in, we have a new person on the SBR staff, the one and only Kitty Duval. She will be our PR person reaching to any viewers I miss. I have four eyes so I shouldn’t be missing anything, but I am not perfect.
I will be changing the update schedule as well. I will be giving you gaming reviews every other week and doing my own gaming research over the course of the other weeks. I will still post gaming news as I get it. It will be a bit of a slow down so that I don’t give you crap. As Agnes always says, that is unacceptable!
In honor of the new movie, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Rocket Raccoon, who is only second in the raccoon world to Sly Cooper, I will be purchasing the game ‘Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3’ and finally getting my team off the ground. You can guess one of the characters, but this team will be nothing to sneeze at…unless you are allergic to awesome.
We are also working hard to figure out what you want to hear about from us. It may be our words and our voice but it is about what you want to hear. Just as long as I don’t have to play another Kim Kardashian game… I have said this before and I will say it again; this is not just for me. I want to report and I want to do this. I am doing this for you. Your feedback, good, bad and indifferent, is always appreciated.
With that being said, I still need your help. I still need more followers to my WordPress and Facebook page. I am only 5 likes away from my first milestone on the journey to 100 likes, and our expansion to YouTube. If every person on my blog and page got just one other person to follow me, I would hit that goal in no time. So, please tell your friends, family, enemies and random voices in your head (if they have separate email addresses) about the Start Button Review!